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Friday 27 March 2015

How VirtaCoin Community & Holders Can All Participate To Help Making VirtaCoin a Global Success

The simple truth we must understand is, VirtaCoin currency is NOT dead, as long as the VirtaCoin community or every single people who owned VirtaCoin is "remain active" and doing something new about their VirtaCoin.

So Here Is What We As a VirtaCoin Holder/Community Can Do To Help Making VirtaCoin a Global Success:

1. We must continue and actively buying and trading for VirtaCoin on Cryptocurrency exchange or from our own "VirtaCoin Promotion Fund"
2.  Keep actively mining/mine for VirtaCoin.
3.  For people who are technology experts, you can help VirtaCoin by introducing new applications that used VirtaCoin. ( you can help creating mobile phone applications for VirtaCoin, creating a new lighter & faster desktop wallet for VirtaCoin, creating more games & online Casino for VirtaCoin...and more aps & keep on designing new aps for VirtaCoin)
4.  For business people or online businesses, you can help VirtaCoin by accepting VirtaCoin as your payment currency. (as a VirtaCoin community/holder we must start using VirtaCoin currency among ourself, so more people will know about VirtaCoin) 
5.  Lastly keep promoting VirtaCoin & keep giving FREE VirtaCoin to your friends & family, and also keep on promoting VirtaCoin to the whole world so more people around the world will know about VirtaCoin (the easy ways to share and to explain about our VirtaCoin is by telling them about "BitCoin" the first Cryptocurrency, and how BitCoin had change the Cryptocurrencies world)

Someday you will be proud telling your children and grandchildren about how you had help making VirtaCoin a Global Success.

Together We All Can Help Turning VirtaCoin Into a Global Success